We believe in setting dogs up for success! Together with Puppy Colours Academy, we have designed a programme specially for those looking to involve their puppy or adolescent pups in programmes by The Dogtors.
Puppy Prep Course
What will you learn?
  • Recognise and understand your puppy’s body language and behaviour
  • Understand the unique challenges and stressors associated with AAI settings
  • Teach your puppy foundational behaviours and skills necessary for participating in AAI safely and effectively
  • Provide your puppy with positive socialisation experiences in preparation for the environment in which they will work
  • How to respond empathetically and proactively if your puppy becomes frightened during socialisation or training
  • Strengthen your relationship with your puppy, so as to partner them effectively in conducting AAI
Overview of the course

1. Meet & Greet session (20 minutes)

The Dogtors team will meet you and your puppy to assess your puppy’s suitability for taking part in the course. We require a $100 deposit upon registration to secure your place at the Meet & Greet – This amount will be refunded if your puppy is deemed unsuitable.

2. Theory lesson (2 hours)

This class takes place at Puppy Colours, and covers the basics of canine behaviour, puppy development and learning theory, which are essential for the next stage.

The remainder of the programme fees are due at this point.

3. Practical classes (4 sessions x 1 hour each)

The first two classes will be held at Puppy Colours, which offers a controlled environment for your pup’s optimal learning. The next two classes will be at the venue of a The Dogtors partner organisation, such as a community centre, a senior nursing home, or a sheltered home for youths. These sessions offer you and your pup the opportunity to practise and proof your skills in a real-life setting.

What are the course fees?

The cost of participating in this course is $700 per dog-human team, but the bond you will form with your dog is priceless!

Disclaimer (PLEASE READ!)

This course aims to equip your puppy with skills that will help him/her succeed in The Dogtors’ programmes. However, like us, a puppy’s temperament can change due to negative experiences, or even as a part of his/her adolescent years.

Therefore, the completion of this course does not guarantee that you and your puppy will qualify as a Dogtor Team.

If you have completed this course, and your dog is assessed to be suitable to join The Dogtors, you will be offered a 15% discount off The Dogtors’ theory course fee.

What are the requirements for joining?

Requirements for participating puppies:

  • Between 7 months to 12 months of age
  • Toilet trained
  • Completed all core vaccinations
  • Not on a raw-meat diet
  • Enjoys interactions with humans!
  • Able to walk reasonably well on a leash
  • Does not display any moderate to serious behavioural problems

Basic obedience training is not a requirement, but your pup should generally be manageable in unfamiliar settings.

Can I participate in The Dogtors' programmes upon completion of the puppy prep course?

While the Puppy Prep Course equips you and your puppy with some basic skills that would set him/her for success when participating in The Dogtors’ programmes, a puppy’s temperament can change due to negative experiences, or even as a part of his/her adolescent years. Therefore, the completion of this course does not guarantee that you and your puppy will qualify as a Dogtor Team.

However, if you have completed this course, and your dog is assessed to be suitable to join The Dogtors, you will be offered a 15% discount off The Dogtors’ theory course fee

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